Snuggies Diapers Waddler Shipping Update

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Pre Order Shipping Updates for the United States

We would like to update everyone on our shipping expectations. As of right now we still expect to have shipments begin in November. We expect to have our product reaching our warehouse the week of Thanksgiving provided there are no delays with transportation or customs. This means that we should be able to begin shipping just before or after Thanksgiving day, depending on how busy our logistics company is with other online fulfillments.

Note Thanksgiving Day in the United States is November 27th 2014.

All orders will be shipped from the West Coast via UPS ground service. Once they are shipped out we will provide tracking numbers. We will work to keep everyone updated on any news and changes.

International Customers

(Canada, United Kingdom and Europe)

All orders shall begin in December 2014. Please be sure to go to the proper website for placing orders.

We are working with legal and tax experts in each market to expedite the needed paperwork to sell with in your respective areas. Once the paperwork is completed and approved we will begin shipping product directly to your market for local fulfillment. Until then all order will be fulfilled from the United States. You must still order the product from your market specific site as listed.


United Kingdom

European Union

Australian Customers


Australian customers will be able to order from or directly from paddingplus once the inventory is available in your market which should be the middle of November. Please be sure to register on in order to place your orders. Pre sales should begin on our shortly after November 1st for Australia.
Posted by Snuggies Diapers


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