Snuggies Diapers Memorial Events / Sales

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Memorial Day is not just a sale.

We would like to take this time aside to give thanks to our service members. Snuggies Diapers, a vet owned company, holds this holiday dear to us. We ask that everyone take time to remember that this holiday is not just about sales on material possessions, a three day weekend or a quick getaway. We take this time to remember our fellow friends and relatives who has given the ultimate sacrifice and risked everything to preserve our way of life and freedoms that we have. Without these brave men and women our lives would not be what they are today. If you know a vet say thanks.

As a company we actually listen and speak to many of our customers, many of which are military; past or present. There is always this sound of relief when they say something about being in the Military and we respond in kind. Either from telling them that we wore the Waddler for two weeks in the field at Fort Knox and during AWQ with no issues or joking that we call them CAB's for Convoy Absorbency Briefs.

If you are a Vet past or present contact us, we always give our brothers and sisters of arms our employee discount, 10% off. Just contact for more info on how to get your discount.


Posted by Snuggies Diapers

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